Item Coversheet

Item: Cisco Network Switches
Department: Manager's Office/I.T. Department


The current budget provides for the purchase of 14 network switches. The existing access network switches located at the Village Hall were purchased in 2006 and have reached manufacturer's “end-of-life” expectancy. Replacement is needed as it will become impossible to renew maintenance and warranty services through the manufacturer on this hardware equipment. The maintenance contracts are crucial to ensure minimal downtime in the event of equipment failure. These switches connect computers and telephones to the network within the Village Hall.


Bids for the switches were duly advertised and the following bids were received:


Vendor                                                           Total Price

Meridian Group                                               $48,700.30

Deerfield, IL


Insight Inc.                                                     $50,780.51

Tempe, AZ


CDW-G                                                           $52,737.63

Vernon Hills, IL


Provantage Inc.                                               $53,397.00

Livingston, NJ




It is recommended that the Village Board authorize the purchase of 14 Cisco 2960X switches for a cost of $48,700.03 from Meridian Group, Deerfield, IL. Meridian Group has met specifications and has been a responsible vendor to the Village in the past.  

Bid Section

Item:Cisco 2960X Switches (14 each)
Bid Opening Date:May 18, 2016
Account Numbers:401-0601-572-5015 EQ0103
Total Budget for Specific Item:$50,000.00
Bid Amount:$48,700.03