The Village of Arlington Heights has been selected as a recipient of grant funding through the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority. The amount of the grant is $50,462. The end of the grant period is April 30, 2017.
Pursuant to the Agreement with the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority, it is required that the funds be used solely for the purpose of funding the Victim Services Coordinator program. Program elements include providing a single, consistent point of contact with the police department for victims of crime in the person of the Victim Services Coordinator (VSC). The VSC also acts as an informational conduit and support system for those victims as they navigate the often unfamiliar criminal justice system. Specifically, the VSC offers appropriate referrals, counseling, and follow-up services including court advocacy. Other follow-up services most often encompass those activities related to assistance in procuring Orders of Protection for victims of domestic violence and preparing necessary application for compensation to victims through the Crime Victims Compensation program administered through the Illinois Attorney General’s Office.
It is recommended that the Village Board approve the attached Resolution Accepting an Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority Grant in the amount of $50,462 for the Village of Arlington Heights’ Victim Services Coordinator Program and authorize execution of all necessary documentation. |
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