Item Coversheet

Item: Roof Repairs to Municipal Buildings
Department: Public Works



The Village plans roof maintenance based on a 10-year proactive program designed to repair or replace roofs on municipal buildings prior to any problems arising. 


The FY16 Capital Budget includes funding for roof maintenance on Fire Station #3, Well #17, and the Wilke I and II Pump Stations. The projects were separated into two public bids - one for Fire Station #3, and one for the Utility related buildings. 


On May 20, 2016, both bids were opened and publicly read aloud. The bid tabulations are attached for both bids. 


The Village received ten bids for the Fire Station ranging from $118,328 to $225,500.  The lowest responsible bidder is C.I.C. Corporation of Wauconda, IL. 


The budget for this roof replacement was $98,000. The reason for the overage is that one of the roof section cores taken after budgeting was submitted showed wet insulation. This required an increase to the project scope which changed from restoration to complete replacement.  Although the final bid was higher than budgeted, Staff recommends approval as the overall Capital Projects Fund budget for roof repairs will not be exceeded.


The bids received for the Utility buildings includes Wilke I, Wilke II, and Well #17 Pump Stations. The Village received ten bids from the same bidders ranging from $57,650 to $123,092. The lowest responsible bidder was again C.I.C. Corporation of Wauconda, IL.


Staff recommends bid award for both the Fire Station and Utility building repairs  to C.I.C. Corporation of Wauconda, IL, as their references were satisfactory and their bid meets specifications.




It is recommended that the Village Board award Fire Station #3 Roof Maintenance to C.I.C. Corporation of Wauconda, Illinois, in an amount not-to-exceed $118,328.  It is also recommended that the Village Board award the Wilke I, Wilke II, and Well #17 Roof Maintenance to C.I.C. Corporation of Wauconda, Illinois, in an amount not-to-exceed $57,650. 




Bid Section

Item:Roof Repairs to Municipal Buildings
Bid Opening Date:May 20, 2016
Account Numbers:401-7101-571.50-20 BL9806 and 505-7201-561.50-20 BL9806
Total Budget for Specific Item:$103,300 (Fire Station 3) and $98,000 (Utility Buildings)
Bid Amount:$118,328 (Fire Station 3) and $57,650 (Utility Buildings)
Roof Repairs to Municipal Buildings - BID TAB ATTACHMENTExhibits