The approved 2016 Capital Improvement Program includes funding for Replacement of the two Emergency Generators at Booster Station #13 located at Nickol Knoll. This project is part of the Village’s ongoing program to replace or rehabilitate the Village’s aging electrical generator systems related to water and sewer services throughout the Village.
Proposals for Professional Engineering Design Services were solicited from four qualified firms with extensive experience in this type of design work. The scope of the proposals includes the design for replacement of the two 500kW generators and associated switching hardware (installed in 1979). The proposal establishes a not-to-exceed cost for necessary design, preparation of bid specifications and construction inspection services.
The Village received four proposals which were evaluated regarding each of the firm’s understanding of the project and ability to perform the scope of services. The following table summarizes the proposals received:
Engineering Firm Design Inspection Total
Burns & McDonnell $33,072.00 $16,240.00 $49,312.00
Strand Associates $47,100.00 $13,100.00 $60,200.00
Carollo Engineers $59,610.00 $13,452,00 $73,062.00
CDM Smith $125,419.98 $54,409.29 $179,829.27
Burns & McDonnell provided the most comprehensive and cost competitive proposal. Their proposal included the use of local experienced personnel with oversight from senior personnel located at other national offices to leverage cost savings for the Village.
It is therefore recommended that the Village Board award the contract for Emergency Generator Upgrades and Replacement Design to Burns & McDonnell for the not-to-exceed amount of $49,312 and authorize Staff to execute a contract. The proposer has been determined to be responsible and the proposal meets specifications.