The approved Capital Projects Budget includes $868,200 in FY16 for the internal sandblasting and painting of the interior of the West Tank at Well #16, which is located adjacent to the Wilke-Kirchhoff Detention Basin. This project is part of our ongoing program to rehabilitate our water tanks for continued use as potable water storage. On April 4th, the Village Board awarded a bid to the lowest bidder, Tecorp of Joliet, Illinois, in the amount of $812,400 for this project.
The repainting project commenced in early June. The inside roof was sandblasted to bare metal. Once the work was started and the paint fully removed, an issue was discovered which was not part of the original project scope but must be addressed. The sandblasting on the roof portion of the water tank exposed multiple failures of the roof beams and roof panels. It is not uncommon for additional work related to water tank rehabilitation to be discovered once the paint is fully removed. The original bid quantities were developed based on an inspection of the inside tank with existing paint conditions. The bid quantities included some roof repairs, but not to this extent.
It was the consensus of Village Staff and the Village’s Water Tank Consultant, Dixon Engineering, that all necessary repairs be made to the roof to ensure water tank integrity. This emergency work was approved by the Village Manager in order to expedite the repairs and take advantage of favorable weather conditions.
The total estimated additional cost for repairs submitted by Tecorp is $295,500. Dixon Engineering has reviewed the quote and found it fair and in accordance with industry standards. The original bid contained unit prices for the replacement of some roof beams at the bid cost of $79,400. The total extra cost for the reinstatement of beams and roof panels will now be $295,500 less the $79,400 for a total change order of $216,100.
Funds for this additional cost are available from the Automatic Meter Reading System. The planned radio replacement can be deferred to a later date (starting 2020) based upon recent battery testing of a variety of our radios by a company that predicts battery failure.
It is recommended that the Village Board approve Change Order #1 to Tecorp of Joliet, Illinois for the emergency repairs to the West Tank at Well #16 in the amount of $216,100, and approve a budget transfer of $216,100 from the Water and Sewer Fund Capital Outlay Account (505-9001-571.50-25) Automatic Meter Reading System (WA0302) to the 505-9001-571.50-25 Water Tank Repainting Program (WA-1101) Account to cover for the additional costs.