The Design Commission first discussed the matter of electronic signage in 2007 relative to several specific sign variation requests, all of which were recommended for denial by Staff and the Design Commission, and one request denied by the Village Board. After detailed research by Staff, the Design Commission discussed the matter again in 2008 at a kick-off meeting and then in detail in 2009 where the Design Commission concluded to continue to not allow electronic LED signs. Since then, the Design Commission has discussed this matter in 2012 relative to the Visual Preference Survey undertaken and in 2015 regarding Patton School’s request. As a result of the 2015 review, this topic was placed on the Design Commission agenda again in January 2016.
On February 19, 2016, Mayor Hayes sent a letter to the Design Commission regarding electronic signage requesting that the Design Commission complete the following tasks for Village Board review:
- Develop a general overview of the issues related to electronic signage.
- Report on a range of general approaches regarding electronic signage.
- Recommend an approach for the Village Board to discuss this matter.
In response to Mayor Hayes’ request, Staff and the Design Commission have completed an initial Village-wide study of electronic signage, and have discussed the matter at three recent Design Commission meetings:
- February 23, 2016: Kick-off meeting, preliminary discussion and thoughts.
- March 29, 2016: Staff presented a survey of other communities’ electronic sign requirements along with photos and videos of electronic signs from other communities for discussion.
- April 12, 2016: Review and approval of Position Statement and Design Commission Recommendations.