Item Coversheet

Item: Faith Lutheran Church/Lambs of Faith Early Childhood Center - 431 S. Arlington Heights Rd. - PC#16-015
Department: Planning & Community Development

Requested Action


Amendment to Special Use Ordinance 03-022 to allow an increase in the number of children and floor area used by the daycare.


Variations Identified






A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on July 13, 2016 where Commissioner Green moved and Commissioner Dawson seconded:


A motion to recommend approval to the Village Board of Trustees of PC#16-015, an amendment to Special Use Ordinance 03-022 to allow an increase in the number of children and floor area used by the Lambs of Faith daycare located at 431 S. Arlington Heights Road. This approval shall be subject to the following conditions:


1. The maximum enrollment for the Lambs of Faith daycare shall be limited to 48 students.


2. The maximum floor area for the Lambs of Faith daycare shall be limited to 3,500 square feet.


3. The Petitioner shall provide a copy of the updated DCFS license prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit.


4. The required trash enclosure, per Ordinance 03-022, be installed by Sept. 30th, 2016.


5. The Petitioner is encouraged to work with staff to find areas for additional parking lot landscaping screening along Arlington Heights Road.


6. The Petitioner shall comply with all applicable Federal, State, and Village Codes, Regulations, and Policies.


Roll Call Vote:  Commissioners Green, Dawson, Cherwin, Ennes, Sigalos, Warskow and Chairman Lorenzini voted in favor.  Motion carried.

Bid Section

Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:
Total Budget for Specific Item:
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Staff ReportBoard or Commission Report
PC Minutes 7/13/16Minutes
Plat of SurveyExhibits
Site PlanExhibits
Floor PlansExhibits
Project NarrativeCorrespondence
Parking SurveyExhibits
Department Comments - Round 1Correspondence
Petitioner Response to Department Comments - Round 1Correspondence
PC Timeline TrackerCorrespondence