Item Coversheet

Item: Ordinance - Repeal Ordinance Number 05-056
Department: Planning/Legal



In 1999, the Village Board adopted Ordinance 99-058, approving a special use for J Gerards, which would be operating out of two spaces in the Metropolis Building (the ones on either side of the lobby). After J Gerards left, it was operated, again as one restaurant, by Tullers. In 2005, after Tullers left, there was a request for a separate restaurant, called Oscar’s, to operate a restaurant in the space on the east side of the lobby. Oscar’s was a totally separate restaurant from the restaurant on the west side, so an amendment to the special use was necessary. Accordingly, the Village Board adopted Ordinance 05-056, which amended Ordinance 99-058 to permit a restaurant to operate without a kitchen.


The Village now has a request from Mago’s, the current restaurant on the west side of the lobby, to expand into the east side. Since the two spaces will, again, now be operated as one restaurant, the amended special use adopted in 2005 is no longer necessary. Staff believes it makes sense to repeal Ordinance 05-056, which will make Ordinance 99-058 applicable.




It is recommended that the Village Board repeal Ordinance 05-056, thereby permitting Mago’s to expand in substantial compliance with the applicable terms of Ordinance 99-058.



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Repeal Ordinance 05-056Ordinance