Petitioner, Karen and William Kissane of 1340 S. Evergreen, seeking a variance request from Section 23-302, R309.1 of Chapter 23 of the Arlington Heights Municipal Code regarding minimum garage widths.
Seeking variance to allow for an 18' free standing garage to replace an identical garage that was destroyed by a fallen tree. The Ordinance calls for a 21' wide garage. The wider garage would cover the water line that runs along side the garage. The wider garage would also cover 21" of a 40" wide yard. The new garage, if sized as required by the Village Code, would cause the lot coverage to exceed the allowed 55% coverage at 56.25%. The current garage replacement covers 54.94% of the lot.
Building Code Review Board Motion
Trustee Scaletta moved approval of a variation from Chapter 23, Section 23-302, R309.1 to allow for an 18' free standing garage to replace an identical garage damaged by a fallen tree during a storm. Seconded by Mr. Bondarowicz, Motion carried unanimously.