Item Coversheet

Item: Ivy Hotel - 519 W. Algonquin Rd. - Early Review
Department: Planning & Community Development



The subject property, located approximately 2,000 ft. west of the intersection of S. Arlington Heights Rd. and W. Algonquin Rd, is currently occupied by the European Crystal Banquet facility. This facility is 20,215 sq. ft. in size, and the applicant is proposing the removal of  approximately 5,000 sq. feet of the banquet hall structure to allow the construction of a 10-story, 165 room hotel, which would be attached to the remaining 15,000 sq. ft. banquet hall building. Additional banquet/meeting rooms would be added as part of the proposed hotel.


Current Request


Land Use Variation to allow a 165 room hotel, parking Variation to reduce the off-street parking requirements from 461 spaces to 151 spaces.




It is recommended that the Village Board evaluate the conceptual site plan and preliminary information available at this time and provide preliminary feedback regarding the proposed development, specifically, as it relates to the proposed parking Variation.   

Bid Section

Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:
Total Budget for Specific Item:
Bid Amount:
Request LetterCorrespondence
Staff MemoCorrespondence
Early Review CriteriaExhibits
Staff Report - Plat & SubBoard or Commission Report
Plat & Sub MinutesMinutes