Item Coversheet

Item: Parkway Tree Trimming Contract Extension
Department: Public Works



The Public Works Department is in the final year of a 3-year contract with Robert W. Hendricksen Co of Wheeling, IL for Parkway Tree Trimming. The contract is set to expire October 2016. Routine tree trimming is a vital component of a well maintained urban forest, and is especially important to the health and structure of the 9,000 newly planted ash replacement trees. This contract is for the annual trimming of an estimated 9,000 parkway trees at various unit prices.


Per policy, successful contractors can be permitted extensions up to the original timeline, with Board approval. Due to the recent change in the Village’s fiscal year, Public Works would like to initially request the first contract extension for 15 months, until December 31, 2017 to realign the terms of contract with the modified fiscal year. If the contractor’s performance continues to be favorable, a second and final extension would be available through December 31, 2018. The contractor has offered to extend the contract for 15 months without an increase in price. The term of their extension would begin in October 2016 and conclude December 2017.


Staff has been pleased with the contractor’s quality of work and customer services. Staff recommends extension of this contract to align with the current budget.




It is recommended that the Village Board award a 15-month contract extension per the original bid award to Robert W. Hendricksen Company, of Wheeling, IL, at bid unit pricing, up to budget allotment, and authorize the execution of the necessary documents.

Bid Section

Item:Parkway Tree Trimming Contract Extension
Bid Opening Date:August 28, 2013
Account Numbers:101-7101-531.21-55
Total Budget for Specific Item:$250,000
Bid Amount: