Item Coversheet

Item: Aerial Lift - Public Works
Department: Public Works



The approved FY16 Capital Budget includes $180,000 for the replacement of an aerial truck for the Forestry Unit of Public Works. The aerial truck is used in most tasks performed by Forestry from tree trimming and the hanging of banners, to holiday decorations and lighting. The current vehicle is 13 years old, has been inspected by the Public Works Fleet Unit and recommended for replacement.


The new unit is considered a hybrid unit that utilizes electric power or hydraulic power for the operation of the boom. Use of electric power will significantly reduce our noise during operations. It will also reduce our idling during most operations which will reduce fuel and emission maintenance expenses.


The National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) is a joint purchasing cooperative that is similar to the Northwest Municipal Conference, and offers a bidding service to municipal agencies. Altec, Inc. has won the NJPA contract and offers the unit at a discounted price of $167,943. The Village has been a member of NJPA for several years and is pleased with the Altec aerial products.




It is recommended that the Village Board approve the purchase of a 60' Aerial Lift Truck from Altec, Inc. of North Carolina, in an amount not-to-exceed $167,943 and authorize Staff to execute the necessary contract.

Bid Section

Item:Aerial Lift - Public Works
Bid Opening Date:National Joint Powers Alliance
Account Numbers:621-9003-572.50-05 (VH 9501)
Total Budget for Specific Item:$180,000
Bid Amount:$167,943