Item Coversheet

Item: Kensington School - 840 E. Kensington Rd. - PC#16-007
Department: Planning & Community Development



1A Special Use to allow a Day Care Center in the B-2 district.


2. Amendment to PUD Ordinances #06-043, 07-007, 07-077, 14-015.


3. A variation from Chapter 28, Section 6.13-3 to allow a 4 foot tall fence in the front yard along Dryden Avenue where 3 feet is permitted.


4. A variation from Chapter 28, Section 6.5-2 to allow accessory structures (dumpster enclosure and playground equipment) within the front yard along Dryden Avenue where accessory structures must be located in a rear yard.


5. A variation from Chapter 28, Section 6.15-1.2b to allow no shade tree in the landscape island located at the western end of the northern parking row where one 4-inch shade tree is required.




A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on August 24, 2016 where Commissioner Green moved and Commissioner Warskow seconded:


A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees approval of PC# 16-007, a Special Use to allow a daycare center in the B-2 District; an amendment to PUD Ordinances #06-043, 07-007, 07-077, 14-015; a Variation to allow a four-foot tall fence in the front yard along Dryden Avenue where three feet is permitted; a Variation to allow accessory structures (playground equipment and dumpster enclosure) within the front yard along Dryden Avenue where accessory structures must be located in the rear yard; and a Variation to allow no shade tree in the landscape island located at the western end of the northern parking row where one four-inch shade tree is required.


This approval is subject to the following conditions:


1. Prior to issuance of building permit, the Petitioner must provide written confirmation from all utility companies that have rights to the utility easement, which states they are amenable to either the proposed encroachments within the utility easement or the abrogation or reduction in size of said easement if it is determined that the easement is not necessary.  If any amendment or abrogation of the easement is required, this amendment or abrogation must be recorded with the Cook County Recorder of Deeds and proof of this recording must be provided prior to issuance of a building permit.


2. The Petitioner must amend the pedestrian access easement to be a 20-foot wide easement that follows the proposed pedestrian pathway and runs from the northern property line down to the southern property line.  This amendment must be recorded with the Cook County Recorded of Deeds, and proof of this recording must be provided prior to issuance of a building permit.


3. The Petitioner must amend the existing cross drainage easement as per the requirements of the engineering Department.  This amendment must be recorded with the Cook County Recorder of Deeds and proof of this recording must be provided prior to issuance of a building permit.


4. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the Petitioner must provide the Village with an easement for the portion of public sidewalk that encroaches on the southeast corner of the site.  This recording must be provided prior to issuance of a building permit.


5. The Petitioner shall work with the Village to reduce the width of the 35.02 feet drive aisle so as to allow as much green space as possible and still conform to all fire truck turning radius requirements.  Such reductions may require the elimination of one parking space.


6. The Petitioner shall comply with all applicable Design Commission requirements.


7. The Petitioner shall comply with all applicable federal, state and Village codes, regulations and policies.  


Roll Call Vote:  Commissioners Cherwin, Dawson, Drost, Ennes, Green, Sigalos, Jensen, Warskow and Chairman Lorenzini voted in favor.  Motion carried.

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PC Staff Report 8/24/16Report
PC Minutes 8/24/16 DRAFTMinutes
PC Staff Memo 7/08/16Memorandum
PC Staff Memo 5/20/16Memorandum
Plat & Sub MinutesMinutes
DC Staff Report 8/9/16Board or Commission Report
DC Minutes 8/9/16Minutes
DC Staff Report 4/26/16Board or Commission Report
DC Minutes 4/26/16Minutes
Plat of SurveyExhibits
Architectural PlansExhibits
Autoturn DiagramExhibits
Engineering PlansExhibits
Landscape PlanExhibits
Market StudyExhibits
Traffic StudyExhibits
Justification Special Use Correspondence
Existing EasementsExhibits
Dept. Review Comments Round 1Correspondence
Petition Response to Dept. Round 1Correspondence
Dept. Review Comments Round 2Correspondence
Petition Response to Dept. Round 2Correspondence
Dept. Review Comments Round 3Correspondence
Petitioner Response to Dept. Round 3Correspondence
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