Item Coversheet

Item: Street Sweeper Rental 2016
Department: Public Works



Every year, Public Works rents street sweepers to compliment the Village's fall sweeping program.  The Village currently owns three sweepers, but have historically not been able to keep up with the heavy demand caused by the fall season.  This year, Public Works is proposing to rent one sweeper for two months from mid October to mid December.  This program has been extremely effective and the approved FY16 budget includes funding for sweeper rentals.


Every year, the Village searches for vendors with available sweepers.  Most companies only rent sweepers with operators included in the rate.  Based upon our research and past experience, it is much more cost effective to rent the sweeper without the operator, then to pay the hourly rate for a sweeper with an operator.  Additionally, renting the sweeper without an operator and utilizing our own experienced staff provides the Village with greater flexibility with regards to scheduling and hours of operation.


This year, we are able to secure a sweeper from R.N.O.W., Inc. of West Allis, WI, at a price of $10,000 per month.  This price was negotiated down from their original cost proposal of $12,000.


The approved FY16 Operating Budget (101-7101-531-2136) includes a total of $33,000.




It is recommended that the Village Board waive competitive bidding requirements, and authorize staff to rent one sweeper from R.N.O.W., Incorporated of West Allis, Wisconsin,  for a total cost not-to-exceed budget of $33,000 and authorize staff to execute any necessary documents.


Bid Section

Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:
Total Budget for Specific Item:
Bid Amount: