After receiving Board direction on July 11, 2016, Staff worked with Haeger Engineering to develop a Request for Proposals (RFP) and design plans for a Paver Brick Maintenance project this fall. The approved 2016 budget includes $395,000 for Paver Brick Maintenance. The design and construction management contract for $17,000 has already been authorized and as such, Account Number 401-7101-571.50-30 (ST-05-01) has an unencumbered balance of $378,000. The RFP was distributed to five qualified contractors and three proposals were received at the September 26th deadline. The project includes the removal and replacement of paver bricks and concrete at the following locations:
Eastman Street - both sides Evergreen Avenue to Dunton Avenue
North side of Eastman Street - from Evergreen Avenue to Arlington Heights Road
South side of Miner Street - from Evergreen Avenue to Arlington Heights Road
North side of Northwest Highway - from Arlington Heights Road to Evergreen Avenue
The three proposals received were as follows:
Martam Construction $245,970.00
Schaefges Brothers, Inc. $324.531.50
Kovilic Construction $369,200.00
The Engineer's estimate for this project's scope of work is $236,050. Haeger Engineering and Staff believe that these bids were above the Engineer's estimate because of the short construction time frame. It is our plan to have next year's project bid before July. All proposals were reviewed and tabulated by Haeger Engineering and Village Staff. The lowest proposal was from Martam Construction. Martam's proposal met all the specifications, and Martam has successfully completed many similar projects. Most recently they have performed some concrete work in Elk Grove Village. Martam was also the contractor for the majority of Mount Prospect's paver work. All references for Martam's work were checked and feedback was positive. Therefore, Staff would like to recommend Martam Construction for the proposed project.
It is recommended that the Village Board award the 2016 Paver Brick Improvements Project to the lowest responsible proposal from Martam Construction of Elgin, Illinois, in an amount not-to-exceed $245,970, and authorize the execution of the necessary documents.