Since 1988, the Village has utilized a pavement management program (MicroPAVER, formally PAVER) to determine our street maintenance priorities. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers developed MicroPAVER at their Research Laboratory in Champaign, Illinois.
The process involves a consultant inspecting pavement sections on approximately one-third of Village maintained streets per year and inputting the inspection results into the MicroPAVER program. Engineering Department Staff reviews the report and visually inspects the Village maintained streets and compares the consultant report with visual inspection. This program has been very effective over the years.
Infrastructure Management Services (IMS) completed Phase I (south end of town) and Phase 2 (middle section of town) of a three phase surface condition survey last fall. We would now like to move forward with Phase 3 (north end of town). For consistency purposes, staff is recommending to use IMS for Phase 3. The price for Phase 3 reflects the same fee schedule as the consortium of North and Northwest Chicago area municipalities.
It is recommended that the Village Board award a contract to Infrastructure Management Services of Rolling Meadows, Illinois for the 2016 Pavement Management Program in the amount of $24,580. Funding for these services have been budgeted and are available in account 101-5001-524.20-05.