Item Coversheet

Item: Arlington Heights Animal Hospital - 412 W. Algonquin Rd. - PC#16-023
Department: Planning & Community Development

Requested Action


1. Land Use Variation to allow a Commercial Kennel within the B-2 District.


2. Amendment to Ordinance 92-009.


Variations Identified


1. Variation from Section 11.4-2 to reduce the required on-site parking spaces from 31 spaces to 29 spaces.


2. Variation from Section 5.1-11.6 to reduce the required east side yard setback from 53.3 feet to 40.3 feet.


3. Variation from Section 6.6-5.1 to allow an AC unit to be 46 feet from the east side yard lot line where code requires a 53.3 foot side yard setback.




A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on December 14, 2016 where Commissioner Ennes moved and Commissioner Sigalos seconded:


A motion to recommend approval to the Village Board of Trustees of PC#16-023, a Land Use Variation to allow a Commercial Kennel within the B-2 District; an amendment to Ordinance 92-009; a variation from Section 11.4-2 to reduce the required on-site parking spaces from 31 spaces to 29 spaces; a Variation from Section 5.1-11.6 to reduce the required east side yard setback from 53.3 feet to 40.3 feet; and a Variation from Section 6.6-5.1 to allow an AC unit to be 46 feet from the east side yard lot line where code requires a 53.3 foot side yard setback.


This approval is contingent upon compliance with the recommendation of the Plan Commission and the following recommendations:


1. The petitioner shall obtain a kennel license from the Village of Arlington Heights.


2. Dog walking shall be permitted in the areas to the side and rear of existing building, however, no outdoor dog run(s) and/or exterior recreational/exercise area(s) meant for multiple animals shall be permitted on the subject property.


3. The parking variation is only valid while the subject property is used as an animal hospital/veterinary clinic. The Variation will become null and void should the property be used for any other purpose.


4. The Petitioner shall comply with all applicable Federal, State, and Village Codes, Regulations, and Policies.


Roll Call Vote:  Commissioners Drost, Ennes, Green, Sigalos and Chairman Lorenzini voted in favor.  Commissioners Dawson, Jensen and Warskow abstained.  Motion carried.

Bid Section

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Staff ReportBoard or Commission Report
Minutes 12/14/16 - DRAFTMinutes
Plat of SurveyExhibits
Architectural PlansExhibits
Engineering PlansExhibits
Landscape PlanExhibits
Project Narrative & Justification for LUVCorrespondence
Parking StudyExhibits
Department Comments - Round 1Correspondence
Petitioner Response to Department Comments - Round 1Correspondence
PC Timeline TrackerExhibits