Item Coversheet

Item: Ordinance - Traffic - Yield Signs
Department: Engineering/Legal



A resident request has been received about the intersection of Evergreen Avenue and Cedar Street asking for additional traffic control.  Traffic studies were conducted to determine if additional stop signs could be justified, but based upon these reviews, neither the traffic volumes or the accident data justified the installation of all-way traffic control.  However, based upon a field visit, the homes on the north side are built very close to the street.  Originally these homes were built in Cook County, which had different setback standards when constructed, and before being annexed to the Village.   Based upon motorists’ sight distance being hampered by the location of the homes on the northeast and northwest corners of the intersection, yield signs to control Evergreen Avenue are justified.  Therefore we would recommend that two way yield signs for Evergreen Avenue be posted at Cedar Street to control north and south bound traffic.




It is recommended that the Village Board approved the attached Ordinance designating the Cedar Street and Evergreen Avenue intersection as a yield right-of-way intersection.

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Yiel Signs - Evergreen and CedarOrdinance