Item Coversheet

Item: Conducted Electrical Taser Weapon
Department: Police


In 2008, the Police Department acquired an initial inventory of Taser X26 Conducted Electrical Weapons (CEW) using asset forfeiture funding. The eight-year-old devices are well beyond warranty. A quantity of X26 units were sent for service and returned with estimates that suggest they are not cost effective to repair. Taser’s latest version, the X26P smart weapon is manufactured with enhanced technology. The Police Department agrees with Taser’s position that a CEW promotes officer safety, reduces suspect injury, decreases opportunity for Workers Comp incidents and lessens civil liability concerns.

Taser International is the sole source distributor of this specific product. Acquiring 87 units will provide a sufficient inventory to issue each officer a new CEW. It will complement the existing inventory of identical devices and make training as well as accessories universal within the Department.

This project is being funded through asset forfeiture monies. Taser International currently offers a purchasing program that provides a trade-in allowance which is included in the total price.  It carries a provision that requires the maintenance agreement span for a period of five years, with the first year covered at no cost.  The total purchase amount of $106,140 would be spread equally over Calendar Year 2017 and 2018 at $53,070 per year.  The first year payment will provide for the purchase of 87 CEWs totaling $14,268 and two additional years' maintenance totaling $38,802. The Village is receiving a $15,834 discount which is reflected in the purchase amount.



It is recommended that the Village Board waive competitive bidding requirements and authorize Staff to enter into an agreement with Taser International, Scottsdale, AZ for the purchase and maintenance of 87 Conducted Electrical Weapons at a total cost of $106,140 to be funded equally in 2017 and 2018.

Bid Section

Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:
Total Budget for Specific Item:
Bid Amount: