Item Coversheet

Item: Public Works Pickup Trucks Purchase
Department: Public Works



The approved 2017 Fiscal Capital Budget includes $113,000 for the replacement of three 3/4-Ton Pickup Trucks for the Public Works Department.  The current vehicles are used by the Sewer, Water Distribution, and Water Production Units of the Public Works Department on a daily basis.  The proposed vehicles are 2017 Ford F-250 3/4 Ton Pickup Trucks. The current trucks are in excess of 10 years old, and the Fleet Unit of Public Works have deemed they are in need of replacement.  If this award is approved, the existing vehicles will be sold at auction per Village requirements.


Staff is proposing to purchase the vehicles through the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative (SPC).  SPC is a joint purchasing program for local communities.  SPC represents 143 municipalities in a six County Area of Northern Illinois, and is administered through the Northwest Municipal Conference.


Currie Motors of Frankfort, IL is this year's winning bidder.  The Village has worked with Currie Motors in the past and found them to be acceptable.




It is recommended that the Village Board award the bid to Currie Motors of Frankfort, Illinois in the amount of $112,900 for the purchase of three Ford F-250 3/4-Ton Pick Up Trucks for the Public Works Department, and authorize the execution of the necessary contracts.


Bid Section

Item:Public Works Pick Up Trucks Purchase
Bid Opening Date:Suburban Purchasing Cooperative
Account Numbers:621-9003-572.50-05 (VH 9502)
Total Budget for Specific Item:$113,000
Bid Amount:$112,900