Item Coversheet

Item: Thermoplastic Lane Markings
Department: Public Works



Thermoplastic is a highly reflective material that is used for roadway traffic lane markings. Thermoplastic striping is also an extremely durable pavement marking material and will outlast painted markings.  The material comes in bags and is heated to a liquid prior to its application. Glass beads are added to the liquid to improve reflectivity.  


The Village participates in the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative (SPC) which is a cooperative of 143 municipalities in the six county area of Northern Illinois. The SPC organizes bids for contractual thermoplastic lane markings. This year, the SPC approved the first of three one-year contract extensions with Superior Road Striping, Inc. The unit prices for lane markings are listed below.


Description               Units          Cost


4” Line                        LF              $0.49

6” Line                        LF              $0.72

12” Line                      LF              $1.44

24” Line                      LF              $3.60

Letters & Symbols       SF             $3.34

Removal                     SF             $0.41


The Village’s share of the contract is based on striping and lettering unit prices and will not exceed our budget of $125,000. Superior Road Striping, Inc. has previously worked with the Village and has been determined to be responsible.





It is recommended that the Village Board accept and approve the 2017 contract extension approved by the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative to Superior Road Striping, Inc. for thermoplastic lane marking services for the not-to-exceed amount of $125,000. 

Bid Section

Item:Street and Sidewalk Maintenance
Bid Opening Date:March 25, 2016
Account Numbers:101-7101-531.21-15
Total Budget for Specific Item:$125,000
Bid Amount:Based on Unit Prices