Item Coversheet

Item: Well #16 West Water Tank Exterior Painting
Department: Public Works



The approved 2017 Capital Water & Sewer Budget includes $1,094,616 for painting the west 6 million gallon water tank at Well #16 which is located south of the Wilke-Kirchhoff Detention Basin. The painting project includes the abrasive blast to metal of the exterior of the tank, the replacement of most of the outer row roof panels, and painting the interior and exterior. In addition to this work, the Northwest Water Commission (NWC) will be paying for a modification to the outside pipe shroud and the addition of a tank mixing system to enhance the quality of our potable water. The water tank was last painted in 1992. New coatings can be expected to last up to 25 years and help extend the life of the tank.


Specifications and plans were prepared, advertised and distributed to national industrial painting firms. On February 22nd, the following five bids were opened and publically read aloud:


Company                                                       Bid     

Enerbab,  Cincinnati, OH                            $867,276 (Non-compliant)

Jetco Ltd,  Lake Zurich, IL                          $1,046,790               

LC United Painting,  Sterling Heights, MI     $1,903,000               

Seven Brothers,  Shelby Township, MI         $2,033,500               

Era Valdivia Cont.,  Chicago, IL                   $2,074,050


Enerbab only bid on the roof panel replacement. This disqualified their bid, as the tank must be painted too. The lowest responsive bidder, Jetco of Lake Zurich, Illinois, has received favorable comments from references checked by Village Staff and has successfully performed similar work for the Village in the past. Dixon Engineering (Tank Painting Consultant) has reviewed all documents and recommends awarding the bid to Jetco. Jetcos’s bid is within budget. The bidder has been determined to be responsible and the bid meets specifications.




It is recommended that the Village Board reject the non-compliant bid from Enerbab and award the bid for Well #16 West Water Tank Rehabilitation and Interior and Exterior Painting to Jetco, of Lake Zurich, Illinois, for their not-to-exceed price of $1,046,790.

Bid Section

Item:Well #16 West Water Tank Exterior Painting
Bid Opening Date:February 22, 2017
Account Numbers:505-9001-571.50-25 (WA 1101)
Total Budget for Specific Item:$1,094,616
Bid Amount:$1,046,790