The subject property, located approximately 2,000 ft. west of the intersection of S. Arlington Heights Rd. and W. Algonquin Rd, is currently occupied by the European Crystal Banquet facility. The applicant appeared before the Village Board for an Early Review in August of 2016, where the developer proposed a 9-story, 165 room hotel, which would be attached to the existing banquet hall building. Additional banquet/meeting rooms were to be added as part of the proposed hotel. Under this scenario, a 309 parking spaces deficit was proposed for the subject property, representing a 67% reduction in parking requirements.
The proposal has since changed and the applicant is now considering a 13-story, 102 room hotel addition to the existing banquet facility. The proposed hotel is a shorter in width and occupies a smaller footprint than the previous building. Although taller than the previous proposal, the current version of the hotel provides fewer rooms than previously proposed.
Current Request
Land Use Variation to allow a 102 room hotel, parking Variation to reduce the off-street parking requirements from 255 spaces to 175 spaces.
It is recommended that the Village Board evaluate the conceptual site plan and preliminary information available at this time and provide preliminary feedback regarding the proposed development, specifically, as it relates to the proposed parking variation.