Item Coversheet

Item: High Profile Landscaping 2017
Department: Public Works

The High Profile Landscape Maintenance contract covers the complete landscaping maintenance of 36 locations throughout the community. These areas are highly visible to the public and are maintained to the highest quality standard.  The Village is responsible for the maintenance of these areas, including turf maintenance, flower installation/maintenance, mowing, fertilizing, edging, aerating, sprinkler maintenance and general litter removal.  A bid opening was held on March 24, 2017 at 11:00 AM. The following seven bids were opened and publicly read aloud:


BIDDER                                                   TOTAL ANNUAL BID PRICE


City Escape Garden  Chicago, IL                                $55,295

Milieu Design  Wheeling, IL                                        $55,590

Acres Group   Wauconda, IL                                      $57,307

Olive Grove Landscaping  St. Charles, IL                   $71,940

KGI Landscaping  Skokie, IL                                      $72,128

Flecks Landscaping  Wheeling, IL                               $84,588

Local LawnCare   Naperville, IL                                  $110,318        


City Escape Garden of Chicago, IL is the lowest responsible bidder. 


The bid is for weekly maintenance and Staff anticipates utilizing 35 cycles during the year. The contract is for three years with three possible one-year extensions. The weekly price is fixed for the first three years and has an optional once per extension price escalator of no more than half of the Consumer Price Index.


The bid from City Escape Garden of Chicago, IL was the lowest bid received at $55,295. Staff is recommending that the Village award the contract to City Escape Garden as the lowest responsible bidder.  Staff has checked their references and all are favorable. These references include the Villages of Oak Park and Berwyn, as well as the Chicago Departments of Transportation and Aviation.




It is recommended that the Village Board award the three-year contract to the lowest responsible bidder, City Escape Garden of Chicago, Illinois, for the not-to-exceed total annual bid price of $55,295 and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents. 


Bid Section

Item:High Profile Landscaping 2017
Bid Opening Date:March 24, 2017
Account Numbers:101-7101-531.21-11 AND 101-7101-531.21-15
Total Budget for Specific Item:
Bid Amount:$55,295 annual bid price