The approved 2017 Budget includes $42,500 for contractual parkway restoration for watermain breaks, sewer repairs, snow plowing, and tree removals at various locations throughout the Village. The bids were based on an estimated total of 10,000 square feet of turf restoration. This estimate included a percentage breakdown of each type of restoration based on historical averages. Bid specifications were prepared, publicly advertised, and sent to local contractors. Three contractors responding at the March 24, 2017 bid opening. The following three bids were opened and publicly read aloud:
Bidder Seed Hydro-Seed Seed-Mat Sod Total Cost per 10,000 square feet
City Escape Garden $2,040 $180 $215 $750 $3,185
Chicago. IL
Olive Grove $4,250 $325 $375 $425 $5,375
St. Charles, IL
KGI Landscaping $79,900 $48,000 $89,900 $110,000 $327,800
Wheeling, IL
The bid from City Escape Garden of Chicago, IL was the lowest bid received based on 10,000 square feet of restoration. The actual amount spent will depend on the amount of turf restoration work performed by this contractor, which is dependent on the number of utility repairs and installations, tree removals, and snow plow damage which result in the need for this work.
Staff is recommending that the Village award the contract to City Escape Garden as the lowest responsible bidder. Staff has checked their references and all are favorable. These references include the Villages of Oak Park and Berwyn, as well as the Chicago Departments of Transportation and Aviation.
The prices submitted by KGI Landscaping are reported as read, although it appears that there was some sort of mathematical error involving decimal points.
It is recommended that the Village Board award a three-year contract to City Escape Garden of Chicago, Illinois in accordance with the prices submitted in their bid for an amount not-to-exceed $42,500 and to authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.