One of the critical components of the new Police Station development is finding an appropriate temporary location for the Police Department during construction. Early in the process, the overriding goals for the Police Department temporary relocation were identified as follows:
1. Keep the Police Department all together in one location.
2. Location must provide for and allow a fully functioning Police Department.
3. Maintain employee morale.
4. Explore the most cost effective solution.
In addition, in an effort to keep costs at a minimum, Legat Architects worked with the Police Department and they determined that 15,000 square foot space would be the absolute minimum amount of space necessary.
Options Determined not Viable
Options initially evaluated that have been determined to be not viable are as follows:
- Temporary trailers situated along the Sigwalt parking lots. This was determined not to be a viable option due to the construction zone congestion and the overriding goals outlined above.
- Use of Village Hall. It is not possible to fit the Police Department in one location or all of the Police Department within the existing Village Hall. However, some office space needs are being accommodated for report writing etc., for public safety officers and police patrol working centrally in the Village.
- Construction of a prefabricated 15,000 square foot building at the Public Works Annex. This has also been dropped from further consideration due primarily to probable costs with building a 15,000 square foot structure and the inability to provide 100 plus parking spaces and associated costs and the remote access for the public.
- Temporary trailer rental off site. This was also dropped from further considerations because the cost estimates of this option, which at an estimated $1.2 million plus rental of the property, provided little to no cost savings over office rental.
- Possible purchase and property acquisition of property.
Timing and Issues
There are a number of key components to the temporary relocation including timing issues and budget.
- Timing: Legat Architects and Riley Construction are moving forward on construction drawings with a potential phased construction start anticipated for May/June 2017.
- Secure Data: The Police Department requires secure data to be able to access Federal security systems. Providing secure data can take anywhere from 30 to 120 days for the installation by Comcast depending on the property.
- Tenant Improvement: All of the facilities evaluated required some level of tenant improvements. The sites that were eliminated from further consideration had a variety of drawbacks, including requiring substantial renovation or a lack of visibility.
- Budget: The Village has budgeted $2.2 million for other building costs including temporary relocation, moving cost, rent, and other miscellaneous cost that may be necessary in order to construct a new Police Station. The Shure Drive property and tenant improvements are well within this range.
- Generator: The issue of a generator backup for the temporary space has been discussed at length. None of the buildings available have a full generator backup. The 1500 Shure property has a generator for elevators and security lighting. The property also has another generator that if economically feasible could be re-commissioned and utilized to provide back power for the first floor lease space. Alternatively, the lease allows the Village to install its own small 30 kW generator.
Search for Space
Eighteen different sites were identified by the Temporary Relocation Team. As a result of this search of available sites, a request for interest was issued to the property owners and real estate representatives. Some property owners’ representatives were not interested in having a temporary Police facility at their location or were not interested in a short term lease. Of those that responded, eight sites remained feasible.
In October, November, and December, the eight locations were visited by the Temporary Relocation Team. One site was ruled out due to the costs of the lease rates. Other sites were ruled out due to either poor visibility or significant tenant improvement costs. In early December, the team visited the two leading candidates for a second time. At the conclusion of this analysis, the team began to negotiate a Letter of Intent (LOI) for the property located at 1500 W. Shure Drive.
The following are the reasons the Temporary Relocation Team is recommending a lease for property at 1500 W. Shure Drive:
- Easiest and fastest location to provide Comcast secure data. Comcast indicated 30 to 60 days to install secure data at this location. An Agreement with Comcast has been executed in order to meet this time frame.
- First floor space by the east entry door for front desk and all 24/7 operations.
- A vast amount of parking is available on the property and designated patrol squad vehicle parking is acceptable.
- Secure washrooms for Police Department only are available on the third floor.
- The space currently has sufficient offices and break room.
Lease Summary
The following is a summary of key elements of the lease:
24 month term with one 3 month option;
- Ability to vacate after 14 months with no termination fee subject to 45 day notice;
- Approximately 15,000 square feet consisting of approximately 2,300 square feet on the first floor with the remainder on the third floor;
- Monthly gross rent of $21,896.88 for 15,000 square feet;
- Ability to install security as needed;
35 reserved parking for marked vehicles; and
- Right to utilize existing generator or install one.
If any Board member wishes to discuss anything related to the negotiations of the Lease, a Closed Session can be requested.
It is recommended that the Village Board adopt the attached Resolution Approving a Lease and authorize execution of the lease for the temporary Police Station at 1500 W. Shure Drive.