Item Coversheet

Item: Sale of Village Property: Golf & Arlington Heights Road Opening of Sealed Bids
Department: Planning & Community Development


The Village issued a Request for Proposals/Sealed Bids in February 2017 to obtain proposals to develop Village-owned property at the northeast corner of Golf Road and Arlington Heights Road in TIF District 4. Proposals are due no later than March 31, 2017.


State law mandates that the Village, when selling property, must advertise the sale of the property and the date of the bid openings. The bids received must be opened and read aloud by the Village Clerk. No formal action is ready to be taken at this time.


Staff will evaluate the bids in conjunction with the site development proposals as outlined in the Request for Proposal. At a subsequent Village Board meeting, Staff will make a recommendation to the Board.

Bid Section

Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:
Total Budget for Specific Item:
Bid Amount: