Item Coversheet

Item: Resolution - License Agreement - Carlos and Carlos
Department: Planning/Legal

Chapter 28, Section 5.1-14.2, allows the use of public sidewalks for outdoor eating cafes subject to certain criteria.   


Last year, Carlos and Carlos Ristorante, located at 27 W. Campbell Street, entered into a License Agreement with the Village for outdoor dining within a portion of Harmony Park adjacent to their restaurant at the northeast corner of the park. That Agreement contained limitations on their ability to use their outdoor dining area during all Sounds of Summer concerts. Staff monitored Harmony Park on regular Sounds of Summer concert nights and concluded that the operation of the outdoor eating area during those concerts would not be disruptive. Accordingly, Carlos and Carlos has requested that those restrictions be removed from the License Agreement. Attached is a new License Agremeent, which  permits operation of the outdoor dining during most Sounds of Summer concerts, with the exceptions noted within the License Agreement. 



It is recommended that the Village Board approve the attached Resolution Approving a License Agreement with Carlos and Carlos. Chapter 28, Section 5.1-14.2, allows the use of public sidewalks for outdoor eating cafes subject to certain criteria.    Chapter 28, Section 5.1-14.2, allows the use of public sidewalks for outdoor eating cafes subject to certain criteria.   

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License Agreement - Carlos and CarlosResolution
License Agreement - Carlos and CarlosAgreement