Item Coversheet

Item: BCRB - Proposed Variance Request from Chapter 23, Section 23-402 (amended 903.2); and Chapter 27, Section 27-102 (amended 903.2)
Department: Building Services


Petitioner Jason Sanderson of RWE Management requested a variance from Chapter 23, Section 23-402 (amended 903.2); and Chapter 27-102 (amended 903.2) of the Village of Arlington Heights Municipal Code requiring all new buildings and structures to be equipped with automatic sprinkler systems pertaining to the Arlington Animal Hospital at 412 W. Algonquin Road.



At the meeting on March 21, 2017,  the Building Code Review Board made a motion recommending to the Village Board granting the request for  a variance from the Village Code provided the existing construction and new addition is of Type IIB construction and that a fire alarm system is installed in accordance with NFPA 72 throughout the facility and that the fire alarm system is to be monitored off site by an UL listed central station. 

Bid Section

Bid Opening Date:
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Total Budget for Specific Item:
Bid Amount:
Draft Minutes of the March 21, 2017 BCRB MeetingMinutes
Minutes of the February 27, 2017 BCRB MeetingMinutes