The Police Station feasibility study accepted in September 2015 by the Board identified two smaller projects to accommodate some off site Police Department needs in existing Village facilities. One project involved renovations and utilization of the former unused Fire Department training facility as a new Police annex for long term off-site storage. The study also identified utilizing a portion of the Village Hall 4th floor for long term evidence storage. Utilizing these existing facilities helps provide cost effective solutions for the Police Station.
In 2016, the Village retained the services of Riley Construction as construction manager for the new Police Station. Legat Architects designed renovation plans for these two facilities and Riley Construction bid the two projects to sub-contractors for construction. The bids received were tabulated and were initially above cost estimates. After a series of value engineering exercises, the plans have been revised substantially and Riley Construction again bid the project for construction. These two small projects have been bid early in an effort to allow the Police Department to move long term storage and evidence storage from the existing Police Building prior to the main move to the temporary location. Doing this ensures that the long term evidence storage is properly maintained to protect the necessary chain of custody from a security point of view.
Riley Construction 2017 Bid Package #1
Police Annex
4th Floor Municipal Building
Total Bid package #1
Funds are budgeted in account #431-9013-571-5025 (BL16-10) for this project.
The construction drawings for the 4th floor Municipal Building renovation includes modification to HVAC, mechanical, and fire protection systems, as well as the need to construct tall walls within the 4th floor space. The bids are within Riley’s overall schematic design bid estimate for the project and the two projects combined are consistent with cost estimates. The Riley bids include general conditions as well as other costs such as construction contingency, performance bond, insurance, and construction management fees.
It is recommended that the Village Board approve the early bid package #1 for the Police Annex and 4th Floor Village Hall renovation for the Police Station project and authorize Riley Construction to proceed with construction in the amount $201,354.