Item Coversheet

Item: 2017 Resurfacing Program
Department: Engineering



Over the past several months, the Village Staff Pavement Committee developed a plan to resurface approximately 5.8 miles of asphalt streets for the 2017 Resurfacing Program. Bids were duly advertised and publicly opened on April 24, 2017.


The bids received and the Engineer’s Estimate is as follows:


Arrow Road Construction base bid (low bid)                                    $2,772,983.00

J.A. Johnson Paving base bid                                                          $2,888,154.50


Engineer’s Estimate (base bid)                                                        $2,835,933.75


Alternate bids were also included for the installation of a concrete edging on Rolling Lane and Ironwood Dr.


Arrow Road Construction (Alternate A)                                                       $82,275.00

J.A. Johnson Paving (Alternate A)                                                              $81,454.00


Engineer’s Estimate (Alternate A)                                                              $82,206.00


After review of the bids received for Alternate A, Alternate A will not be included in the contract and the recommendation is to proceed with only the base bid.


Various funding sources were budgeted for this project, including $6,100,000.00 in the Capital Projects Fund.  Additional funds were also allocated by the Public Works Department for sewer maintenance ($40,000).  Of the $6,100,000.00 in the Capital Projects Fund, $3,100,000.00 will be used toward the 2017 Reconstruction Program which is currently out to bid, leaving  the remaining budget of $3,000,000.00, to be allocated to the 2017 Resurfacing Program, 2017 Material Testing Services, sidewalk reimbursement as part of residential driveway permits, and for Reclamite Pavement Preservation for all asphalt streets completed in 2016.


Funding summary:

401-5001-571.50-30(ST9008) Resurfacing Program)                       $3,000,000.00

505-9001-571.50-25 (SW 90-01) (Sewer& Water)                               $40,000.00

Total:                                                                                           $3,040,000.00


Arrow Road Construction has successfully performed the resurfacing program for the Village of Arlington Heights for the past several years, including the 2016 Resurfacing Program. 



It is recommended that the Village Board authorize the execution of a contract with Arrow Road Construction, Inc. in the amount of $2,772,983.00 for the 2017 Resurfacing Program.

Bid Section

Item:2017 Street Resurfacing Program
Bid Opening Date:April 24, 2017
Account Numbers:401-5001-571-5030 (ST9008) $2,732,983.00 505-9001-571-5025 (SW9001) $40,000.00
Total Budget for Specific Item:$3,000,000.00
Bid Amount:$2,772,983.00