Item Coversheet

Item: Resolution - Intergovernmental Agreement - Use of Wheeling's Jail Facility
Department: Police/Legal



The Police Department is scheduled to move into a temporary facility on May 15, 2017.  Certain capital resources will not be available in the interim headquarters.  For example, a jail or detention area will not be constructed within the temporary office space. Therefore, arrangements to use neighboring police departments' jail facilities were discussed with local police chiefs. The attached Intergovernmental Agreement details responsibilities of the Village of Arlington Heights Police Department and the Village of Wheeling. The IGA will be in effect from May 2017 – May 2019 covering the period of construction, including a time frame well beyond the proposed end date in case of any unforeseen delay in completion of the new police station. 




It is recommended the the Village Board approve the attached Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with Wheeling for use of the Wheeling jail facility during construction of the new police building.

Bid Section

Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:
Total Budget for Specific Item:
Bid Amount:
Intergovernmental Agreement with WheelingResolution
Intergovernmental Agreement with WheelingAgreement