The Capital Roof Maintenance Program is established every year to repair or replace roofs on municipal buildings. This year the replacement of the Senior Center roof is included in the Capital Projects Budget. The Senior Center building is located at 1801 West Central Road ans is approximately 41,400 Square Feet in size. The existing roof consists of a built-up tar, pitched construction and is showing signs of age and deterioration.
On May 25th, 2017, a bid opening was held and ten bids were publicly opened and read aloud. The tabulation is attached.
The bids ranged from $252,200 to $405,800 with Riddiford Roofing of Arlington Heights, IL as the lowest responsible bidder for the Senior Center facility.
Village Staff has had a positive experience with Riddiford Roofing and recommends award.
It is recommended that the Village Board award the bid in the amount of $252,200 for replacement of the Senior Center roof to the lowest responsible bidder, Riddiford Roofing.