Item Coversheet

Item: Metropolis Theatre Seating Repair
Department: Finance


The Metropolis Theatre seating is the original equipment from 2000 when it was constructed and is now 17 years old.  There are 309 seats in the theatre and they have a very good mechanical quality, but over the years the padding, springs and fabric have deteriorated and need to be refurbished.  It has been determined that the seats need new padding on the seat and back, repair of supports, oiling of all parts, and replacement of worn fabric.


Refurbishment of the theater seats will provide a quality of better service to the patrons while extending the functional life of the mechanical aspects of the seats.


The Metropolis has budgeted $35,000 for this 2017 project.  Request for Proposals have been received and are listed below:


Vendor                                  Total Costs                          

Preferred Seating                    $64,890

Davis Furniture Comp.             $54,075

American Office Services          $34,157



It is recommended that the Village Board award a contract to American Office Services of Westlake, OH for $34,157, funds are available in account 515-2005-525-5055 BL1704.  References have been checked and they have been determined to be a responsible vendor.

Bid Section

Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:515-2005-525-5055 (BL1704)
Total Budget for Specific Item:$35,000
Bid Amount:$34,157