Item Coversheet

Item: Police Station excavation, concrete, waterproofing, and underground plumbing. Bid Package #3C
Department: Planning & Community Development

In 2016, the Village retained the services of Riley Construction as construction manager for the new Police Station.  Legat Architects, Engineering Consultants and Riley have prepared plans and bid specification for Bid Package #3C for excavation, concrete, waterproofing, and underground plumbing.  Riley Construction has bid out to subcontractors the components of the bid package.


In order to expeditiously proceed with construction of the new Police Station, several early bid packages have been prepared by Legat Architects and bid out by Riley Construction.  Developing these early bids packages and commencing construction on long lead time items allows Riley Construction to condense the construction schedule, rather than waiting until all plans are complete and bidding the entire project at once. This early bid package allows Riley Construction to commence excavation after demolition before the final bid is awarded.


This additional early bid package will allow the project to continue with excavation prior to acceptance of a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP). The target date currently to present a GMP for the construction of the Police Station and potential alternate bids is July 10.


As the plans were being developed, the design team had some concerns regarding the water table and the original geotechnical (soil boring report) from March 2015.  As a result, additional soil borings and geotechnical report was commissioned in April, to more accurately measure soil conditions especially after a significant amount of rain had occurred this spring. The additional soil borings indicated a water level of 12 feet in one of the borings.  As a result of this higher water table reading from the most recent soil boring, an alternate has been developed to add waterproofing under the entire basement floor slab.  This alternate is currently bid by Riley Construction at $78,300. Once excavation takes place, and the property is excavated to the level of footings and foundations, the design team would make a decision whether to move forward with this alternate for waterproofing under the entire basement floor slab based upon field conditions. The Value of having a Construction Manger involved in the process is to be pro-active on issues such as this.  Obtaining additional soil borings and designing and bidding the under slab waterproofing is often more cost effective then a change order during construction.  It is not believed that FGM would have included under slab waterproofing in their 2015 estimate. 


The Village has already approved early Bid Package #1 for the Police Annex and 4th Floor Village Hall, Bid Package #2 for the Temporary Police Station build out, bid package #3A for abatement, demolition, site utilities and electrical utilities and bid package #3B precast and structural steel.


Riley Construction Bid Package #3C    $2,797,835


The bid is below Riley's budget estimate for this element of the project, and includes a 5% construction contingency.


Funds are budgeted in the account 431-9013-571-5025 (BL 16-10) for this project.



It is recommended that the Village Board approve the Police Station excavation, concrete, waterproofing, and underground plumbing bid package #3C, and authorize Riley Construction to proceed with the Police Station construction in the amount of $2,797,835.

Bid Section

Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:
Total Budget for Specific Item:
Bid Amount: