The Neighborhood Storm Sewer Improvements - Phase 3 project will construct public sewer improvements to enable residents to connect private drainage improvements that would otherwise have been cost prohibitive. In every case, the improvements will help alleviate a flooding issue that adversely affects a homeowner’s structure, multiple adjacent properties, or the public right-of-way. Bids for the "Neighborhood Storm Sewer Improvements - Phase 3" project were duly advertised and publicly opened.
DiMeo Brothers, Inc. $ 623,655.00
Mauro Sewer Construction, Inc. $ 644,957.00
Copenhaver Construction, Inc. $ 676,027.00
R.A. Mancini, Inc. $ 713,178.25
Martam Construction, Inc. $ 783,226.50
Swallow Construction Corp. $ 800,000.00
H. Linden & Sons $ 861,422.50
Bolder Contractors, Inc. $ 872,702.00
A-Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc. $ 884,773.00
Berger Excavating Contractors, Inc. $ 898,394.50
J. Congdon Sewer Service, Inc. $ 987,654.32
The unit prices were reviewed and compared to past prices from similar construction projects, accounting for the passage of time and differences in quantities, and found costs to be reasonable.
DiMeo Brothers, Inc. has successfully performed underground work for the Village in the past and has been determined to be a responsible vendor.
It is recommended that the Village Board award a contract for Neighborhood Storm Sewer Improvements – Phase 3 to DiMeo Brothers, Inc. in the amount of $623,655.