In 1992, the Village and the Arlington Heights Park District entered into an Intergovernmental Agreement related to the development of Nickol Knoll. That Agreement granted the Park District an exclusive easement to use a portion of the property for park and recreational purposes. The easement has a term of 25 years and is renewable for subsequent 25 year periods. The original Agreement was amended twice, in 1993 and 1994, as the property was being developed.
The Park District reached out to renew the easement. As much of the original agreement and its amendments related to the actual development of the site, which has been completed, we decided to combine the three agreements, leaving the provisions that relate to the use of the property but removing those that relate to the development. We did modify the provisions that reference the maintenance building, so that it reflects that the Village's portion is now being used as a police annex. The exclusive easement is now a perpetual exclusive easement.
It is recommended that the Village Board approve the attached Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Arlington Heights Park District for Nickol Knoll.