Annually, the Village purchases approximately 165,000 gallons of unleaded gasoline and 75,000 gallons of diesel fuel to operate our vehicles and various pieces of equipment. The Village has a fueling contract that bases our fuel cost on the Oil Price Information Service (OPIS) price on the day of delivery, plus the vendor’s mark up. OPIS provides the most widely accepted fuel price benchmarks for contracts. The OPIS benchmark is used by Federal, State, Municipal, and County Governments to allow competitive contract pricing, while accounting for market volatility.
In 2012, The Village held a public bid for our fuel needs. Contracts were awarded to the lowest responsible bidders with terms of three years, with three optional one-year extensions. Since petroleum prices change frequently, the Village’s bid was based on the vendor’s mark up only. Four vendors supplied bids for both fuel types, and the Village Board awarded the unleaded gasoline bid to RKA Petroleum Companies, Inc., and the bio-diesel fuel bid to Mansfield Oil Company.
Per Village policy and contract terms, Staff is recommending the third and final of three possible one-year extensions. Both vendors have agreed to hold current mark-ups of (-.0088) cents per gallon of Regular Unleaded Gasoline and .0001 cents per gallon of Bio-Diesel Fuel. Staff has been satisfied with the fuel delivery times from both companies.
It is recommended that the Village Board award the third and final of three possible one-year extensions for regular unleaded gasoline to RKA Petroleum Companies, Inc., and for bio-diesel fuel to Mansfield Oil Company, and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.