Several locations in a few areas of town have been reviewed for placement of stop or yield signs. The provisions for these locations are not related to a specific numeric evaluation but are based upon other factors. Listed below are these sign recommendations along with a brief description:
1. Kennicott Avenue between Sigwalt and Campbell Streets is being completed in conjunction with the Lexington Homes Subdivision. At the intersection of Campbell Street at the north leg of Kennicott Avenue, a one-way stop sign is posted for southbound traffic that was created with Ordinance 1964-020. In order to establish the correct orientation, it is recommended to post a stop sign for the south leg of Kennicott to stop for Campbell Street, thus creating a proper two-way stop. Additional stop signs relative to the subdivision have also been included: north leg of Kasper to stop for Sigwalt and Kennicott to stop for Sigwalt.
2. The current 2-way stop of Patton Avenue stopping for Sigwalt Street does not have an ordinance in place, so it is included.
3. Brown Street on the west side of town is a one-way street. During the course of the reconstruction of Wilke Road at Northwest Highway several residents living along Race, Chicago, and Illinois Avenues contacted the Engineering Department to evaluate traffic moving through the neighborhood. Based upon a review of the traffic movements, it is recommended that a Yield Sign be placed for westbound Brown Street to yield to Race Avenue due to site distance limitations. Although all one-way signs are properly posted, additional “Do Not Enter” and “Wrong Way’ signs will be posted to reinforce to motorists that Brown Street is one way.
4. On the south side of town, an intersection at Haven Avenue and Belmont Avenue has the west leg of the intersection functioning with a stop sign, but the east leg is not posted with a stop sign. No current ordinance exists for this intersection. It is recommended that this location be properly signed with as a two-way stop with Haven Street stopping for Belmont Avenue.
It is recommended that the Village Board approve the attached Ordinance Designating One-Way and Two-Way Stop Streets and a Yield Right-of-Way Intersection.