Requested Action
1. A rezoning from R-3, One-Family Dwelling District into the R-7, Multiple-Family Dwelling District.
2. A Planned Unit Development (PUD) to allow the construction of a five story, 88 unit residential development.
3. Preliminary and Final Plat of Resubdivision to consolidate six lots into one lot.
1. Chapter 28, Section 5.1-7.3, Minimum Area for Zoning District, to allow the R-7 District to be approx. 1.39 acres where code requires a minimum of 2 acres for the R-7 District.
2. Chapter 28, Section 5.1-7.4, Minimum Lot Size, to allow a 39,587 sq. ft. lot where code requires a minimum of 67,800 sq. ft. in lot size.
3. Chapter 28, Section 5.1-7.6, Required Front Yard, to allow a front yard setback (east side) of 10.5’ where code requires a 48’ setback.
4. Chapter 28, Section 5.1-7.6, Required Front Yard, to allow a front yard setback (west side) of 16.3’ where code requires a 48’ setback.
5. Chapter 28, Section 5.1-7.6, Required Side Yard, to allow a side yard setback of 5’ where code requires a 34’ setback.
6. Chapter 28, Section 5.1-7.6, Required Exterior Side Yard, to allow a exterior side yard setback of 18.3’ where code requires a 20’ setback.
7. Chapter 28, Section 5.1-7.7, Maximum Building Lot Coverage, to allow 72% building lot coverage where code allows a maximum 45% building lot coverage.
8. A variation to the maximum allowable building height to increase the maximum allowable building height from 60’ to 62.5’.
9. Chapter 28, Section 5.1-7.13, Maximum Floor Area Ratio, to allow 253% F.A.R. where code limits maximum F.A.R. to 200%.
10. Chapter 28, Section 11.7(a), Loading Requirements, to waive the requirement for one off-street loading space.
11. Chapter 28, Section 6.6-5.1, Permitted Obstructions, to allow certain balcony’s to project 5.3’ into the required front, exterior side, and side yards.
12. Chapter 28, Section 6.6-5.1, Permitted Obstructions, to allow a transformer within the required front yard setback where code requires all transformers to be located outside of all setback areas.
13. Chapter 28, Section 11.2-7, Size, to reduce the required depth of certain parking stalls from 18’ to 16’.
14. Chapter 28, Section 11.2-8, to allow certain drive aisles to be no less than 20’ wide where code requires a minimum drive aisle width of 24’.
A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees approval of PC#17-008, a Rezoning from R-3 One-Family Dwelling District into the R-7 Multiple-Family Dwelling District; a Planned Unit Development (PUD) to allow the construction of a five-story 88-unit residential development; a Preliminary and Final Plat of Resubdivision to consolidate six lots into one lot;
And the following variations:
1. Chapter 28, Section 5.1-7.3, Minimum Area for Zoning District, to allow the R-7 District to be approximately 1.39 acres where code requires a minimum of two acres for the R-7 District.
2. Chapter 28, Section 5.1-7.4, Minimum Lot Size, to allow a 39,587 square foot lot where code requires a minimum of 67,800 square feet in lot size.
3. Chapter 28, Section 5.1-7.6, Required Front Yard, to allow a front yard setback (east side) of 10.5 feet where code requires a 48-foot setback.
4. Chapter 28, Section 5.1-7.6, Required Front Yard, to allow a front yard setback (west side) of 16.3 feet where code requires a 48-foot setback.
5. Chapter 28, Section 5.1-7.6, Required Side Yard, to allow a side yard setback of five feet where code requires a 34-foot setback.
6. Chapter 28, Section 5.1-7.6, Required Exterior Side Yard, to allow an exterior side yard setback of 18.3 feet where code requires a 20-foot setback.
7. Chapter 28, Section 5.1-7.7, Maximum Building Lot Coverage, to allow 72 percent building lot coverage where code allows a maximum 45 percent building lot coverage.
8. A variation to the maximum allowable building height to increase the maximum allowable building height from 60 feet to 62.5 feet.
9. Chapter 28, Section 5.1-7.13, Maximum Floor Area Ratio, to allow 253 percent FAR where code limits maximum FAR to 200 percent.
10. Chapter 28, Section 11.7(A), Loading Requirements, to waive the requirement for one off-street loading space.
11. Chapter 28, Section 6.6-5.1 Permitted Obstructions, to allow certain balconies to project 5.3 feet into the required front, exterior side, and side yards.
12. Chapter 28, Section 6.6-5.1, Permitted Obstructions, to allow a transformer within the required front yard setback where code requires all transformers to be located outside of all setback areas.
13. Chapter 28, Section 11.2-7, Size, to reduce the required depth of certain parking stalls from 18 feet to 16 feet.
14. Chapter 28, Section 11.2-8, to allow certain drive aisles to be no less than 20 feet wide where code requires a minimum drive aisle width of 24 feet.
15. Chapter 28, Section 11.4-1, Residential Uses, to reduce the off-street parking requirement from 132 parking spaces (1.5 spaces per unit) to 110 parking spaces (1.25 spaces per unit).
This approval shall be subject to the following conditions:
1. Overhead utilities along the Sigwalt Street east of Highland Avenue and west of Chestnut Avenue shall be buried unless Commonwealth Edison and the Village deems that it is not feasible, in which case the overheard utilities will need to be relocated to the south side of Sigwalt Street.
2. Move-in/move-out operations shall be restricted to between 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday and 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.
3. Residential units are approved as rental apartments. Converting residential units to condominiums shall require an amendment to the Planned U nit Development.
4. The Petitioner shall provide a final construction schedule/phasing plan, including detailed information on street closures, at time of building permit for review and approval by Staff.
5. The Petitioner shall comply with the August 15, 2017 motion of the Housing Commission to provide a $325,000 fee in lieu of providing the 13 affordable housing units ($25,000 for each affordable unit omitted from the development) to be paid at the time of the building permit.
6. The Petitioner shall comply with all Design Commission recommendations from the September 12, 2017 Design Commission meeting.
7. School, Park, and Library contributions shall be required per Village code prior to the issuance of a building permit.
8. The Petitioner shall comply with all federal, state, and Village codes, regulations and policies.
Roll Call Vote: Commissioners Lorenzini, Dawson, Cherwin, and Chairman Ennes voted in favor. Commissioners Green, Sigalos and Warskow voted no. The motion carried.