Requested Action
Land Use Variation to allow a 126-room hotel in the M-2 Zoning District.
Variations Required
1. Chapter 28, Section 11.4, Parking, to reduce the parking requirements from 310 spaces to 172 spaces.
2. Chapter 28, Section 11.2-8, to reduce the required two-way drive aisle width to allow a 23-foot wide drive aisle where code requires a 24-foot wide drive aisle.
A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on October 11, 2017, where Commissioner Lorenzini moved and Commissioner Jensen seconded:
A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees approval of PC#16-012, a Land Use Variation to allow a 126 room hotel within the M-2 District; a Variation from Chapter 28, Section 11.4, to reduce the parking requirements from 310 spaces to 172 spaces; and a Variation from Chapter 28, Section 11.2-8, to reduce the required two-way drive aisle width to allow a 23-foot wide drive aisle where code requires a 24-foot wide drive aisle.
Roll Call Vote: Commissioner Lorenzini voted in favor, Commissioners Cherwin, Dawson, Jensen, Sigalos, and Acting Chair Green voted against. The motion failed.