Item Coversheet

Item: Parking Garage Granular Deicing Chemicals 2017
Department: Public Works

The Public Works Department utilizes a combination of liquid and granular non-chloride deicer for Snow & Ice Control on our Municipal Parking Garages.  The use of chlorides has a negative effect on the structural steel embedded into the garage's concrete.  A recent study done by a structural engineer proved that our steel is still in good shape, even after over 20 years of service. 


The FY17 budget includes $64,200 for the purchase of non-chloride deicer for the Municipal Parking Garages.


On October 18, 2017, a public bid opening was held for the furnishing and delivery of Granular Sodium Acetate/Formate Blend.  The following three bids were opened and publicly read aloud:


BIDDER                                        UNIT METRIC TONS                 TOTAL BID

                                                          PRICE (20 TONS)       

Schoenberg Salt  

    Oceanside, NY                            $1,741.50 / metric ton                  $34,830


   Fort Madison, IA                          $1,881.00 / metric ton                   $37,620

Conserv FS                         

   Woodstock, IL                              $2,653.00 / metric ton                  $53,060


Staff is recommending approval to award the contract to the lowest bidder Schoenberg Salt of Oceanside, NY at a not-to-exceed price of $1,741.50/metric ton.  Staff estimates the use of about 20 tons of granular deicer for the winter season. The rest of the budget will be used for the purchase of liquid non-chloride deicer. References have been checked and are favorable.




It is recommended that the Village Board award a contract to the lowest responsible bidder, Schoenberg Salt of Oceanside, New York for furnishing and delivery of the non-chloride deicer in an amount not-to-exceed $1,741.50/metric ton.


Bid Section

Item:Parking Garage Granular Deicing Chemicals 2017
Bid Opening Date:October 18, 2017
Account Numbers:235-7301-532.31-90 and 23-7302-532.31-90 and 235-7303-532.31-90
Total Budget for Specific Item:$13,300 (7301), $29,500 (7302), $23,100 (7303) = $65,900
Bid Amount:$1,741.50 / metric ton