Historically, the Village adopted most, but not all, of the Illinois Vehicle Code. The sections adopted by the Village are written under the local Code and prosecuted in the Village's monthly traffic calls. The Cook County State's Attorney's Office (SAO) notified municipalities late in the summer that certain types of tickets that had been prosecuted by the SAO would now need to be prosecuted locally.
In order to increase the options available to the Village's police officers for issuing citations and to address any additional possible changes the SAO may make in the future, the Police Department and Legal Department, as well as the Village Prosecutor, recommend that the Village adopt the entire Vehicle Code. The attached ordinance deletes all of the Code sections that reference parts of the Vehicle Code and adds one section adopting the Vehicle Code in its entirety.
It is recommended that the Village Board adopt the attached Ordinance Amending Chapter 18 of the Arlington Heights Municipal Code.