Item Coversheet

Item: Northwest Highway Beautification
Department: Public Works and Planning & Community Development

The Planning and Community Development and the Public Works Departments have developed a comprehensive landscape improvement plan for the Northwest Highway corridor identifying priorities and key focal points.  The plan sets forth goals for the corridor and identifies a framework to evaluate improvements based on regional importance and maintenance requirements.  As part of the second phase, native plantings are proposed on the west end of Northwest Highway between the railroad tracks and Northwest Highway, just west of Yale Avenue.  The goal is to develop a landscape plan that is sustainable, requires low-maintenance, and provides storm water benefits by utilizing native plant material. 

The 2017 capital budget includes $38,148 for Phase 2 construction of this plan.  The specifications bid out included an annual condition report and maintenance of the area for one year.  

On November 2, 2017, a public bid opening was held and four bids were publicly opened and read aloud. 

The following bids were received:            

BIDDER                                   TOTAL BID

McGinty                                    $35,021 (non-compliant)

Tallgrass Restoration                 $38,571

Pizzo                                         $47,303

Encap                                       $91,056

The lowest apparent bidder, McGinty submitted an incomplete proposal and was therefore disqualified.  The second lowest bidder was Tallgrass Restoration.  Staff checked Tallgrass Restorations's references and found them to be favorable for similarly completed projects in neighboring communities.  Although the bid is $423 over budget, the capital budget can accommodate the overage, due to savings on other projects.  The remainder of the funds are committed on designed construction consultation.


It is recommended that the Village Board reject the non-compliant bid from McGinty, and award the Northwest Highway Beautification - Phase 2 contract to Tallgrass Restoration of  Schaumburg, Illinois in an amount not-to-exceed $38,571.  The bidder has been determined to be responsible and the bid meets specifications.



Bid Section

Item:Northwest Highway Beautification
Bid Opening Date:November 2, 2017
Account Numbers:401-7101-531.50-30 (ST 1620)
Total Budget for Specific Item:$55,000
Bid Amount:$38,571