Several items for the new Police Station need to be purchased from the FF&E/Security/Telephone budget account #431-9013-571-5015 EQ16-10. One such item is the Spacesaver High Density storage systems for records and evidence storage. Plans were issued to Bradford Systems who provided their bid based upon the plans and specifications. Bradford Systems provided pricing based upon the National Joint Purchasing Agreement (NJPA). NJPA is a joint purchasing cooperative that is similar to the Northwest Municipal Conference and offers joint purchasing services/products to local agencies. The Village is a member of the NJPA. The NJPA price provided by Bradford was $61,870 for records storage and $55,770 for evidence storage Total for both high density storage systems $117,640 which is under budget. These items were originally priced and budgeted at $163,000. These systems are currently utilized in other Village buildings, as well as having existing Spacesaver Systems that will be re-located back into the new Police Station. Using this vendor also allows for ease of maintenance.
Public Building Fund
Account Number: 431-9013-571-5015 EQ16-10
Budget: $1,965,000
Available: $1,714,150.12
Bradford Systems: $117,640
It is recommended that the Village Board authorize the Village Manger to enter into an agreement and approve the joint purchase from NJPA contract with Bradford Systems for the Spacesaver High Density storage systems in the amount of
$117,640 from the Public Building Fund, FF&E/Security/Telephone account #431-9013-571-5015 EQ16-10.