Item Coversheet

Item: Police Station Bid Furniture
Department: Planning & Community Development

Several items for the new Police Station need to be purchased from the FF&E/Security/Telephone budget account.  One such item is the building furniture for offices, conference rooms and other spaces of the building.  Plans were issued to Midwest Office Interiors, Inc., who provided their bid based upon the plans and specifications.  Midwest Office Interiors, Inc. provided pricing based upon the National Intergovernmental Purchasing Association (NIPA).


NIPA is a joint purchasing cooperative that is similar to the Northwest Municipal Conference and offers joint purchasing services/products to local agencies. The Village is a member of the NIPA.  The NIPA price provided by Midwest Interiors, $532,485.43. The Police Station furniture was originally priced and budgeted at up to $760,000.  List price for the furniture is $1,224,877. For the most part, the furniture specified is an Allsteel product, currently utilized in other Village buildings and has proven durable.


Also, the Police Department was directed to a decommissioning business tasked with disposing of furniture from a downtown Chicago law office.  Furnishings were being donated to government or non-profit agencies by the property management company through this decommissioning company. After inspecting the furniture, the Village took possession of approximately 30 professional office suites, including desks, desk chairs, credenzas and filing cabinets, along with guest chairs, at no cost.  Obtaining donated furniture has resulted in significant savings in the furniture bid procurement.



Public Building Fund



Budget:                         $1,965,000

Available:                      $1,489,488.15


Midwest Office Interiors: $532,485.43



It is recommended that the Village Board authorize the Village Manger to enter into an agreement and approve the joint purchase from NIPA contract with Midwest Office Interiors, Inc. for the Police Station furniture in the amount of $ 532,485.43 from the Public Building Fund, FF&E/Security/Telephone account.

Bid Section

Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:
Total Budget for Specific Item:
Bid Amount: