Several items for the new Police Station need to be purchased from the Building Interiors/FF&E items budget. One such item is the computer & wireless network equipment, which includes network switches and wireless access points. These switches will connect computers, Voice over IP phones and other network peripherals to the network within the new Police building. The wireless access points will provide network connectivity to mobile devices as we allow squad car video upload to the servers wirelessly. These items were originally priced and budgeted between $111,000 to $125,000.
Bids for the following item were duly advertised and publicly opened:
Vendor Total Price
Meridian IT, Inc. $89,986.82
Deerfield, IL
Zones, Inc. $100,054.59
Auburn, WA
Public Building Fund:
Budget - $1,965,000
Available - $1,594,274.97
References were checked and Meridian IT, Inc. has been determined to be a responsible vendor and has met specifications.
In addition, the Village will also be entering into an agreement with Meridian IT for professional services in the amount of $14,800 to assist the Village’s IT division with the configuration of the devices.
It is recommended that the Village Board authorize the Village Manager to enter into an agreement with Meridian IT, Inc. for the purchase of computer & wireless network equipment for a cost of $89,986.82 and for professional services in the amount of $14,800.