Item Coversheet

Item: Neighborhood Storm Sewer Improvements - Phase 3; Change Order #1
Department: Engineering

Through the course of construction on the Neighborhood Storm Sewer Improvements – Phase 3 project, a couple of issues arose necessitating changes in some of the contract quantities. Below is an explanation of the various cost increases:


Highland Avenue and Maude Avenue in the Arlington Knolls neighborhood:

These streets are ‘rural’ cross section, meaning the streets have no curb and gutter and have a ditch drainage system. The pavements in this neighborhood were originally constructed before the area was annexed into the Village, so the pavement cross sections are not up to current Village standards. The sewers installed along these streets were large diameter and were installed about 15 feet underground. The large pieces of equipment needed to perform the construction damaged the existing pavement in areas outside the originally anticipated limits. Because of this, additional pavement restoration was required to restore proper functionality to the roadways. This additional work added approximately $20,000 to the contract amount.


Catch basin added to the southeast corner of Maude Avenue and Vail Avenue:

After evaluating a request from the resident at that corner to address flooding issues, it was determined that it would be in the best interest of the Village to include the additional work at that corner in this contract. This additional work added approximately $7,000 to the contract amount.


Balance of changes:

The rest of the project had various small changes to individual pay items going from estimated quantities to actual quantities, some increases, and some decreases that add up to an additional $23,000 to the contract amount. 


The contract award amount was $623,655. With this Change Order, the final contract will not exceed $673,655. The current Stormwater Control Fund budget includes $300,000 for the Neighborhood Drainage Improvements project and $400,000 for the Arlington Knolls Storm Sewer Extension project, totaling $700,000.



It is recommended that the Village Board authorize Change Order No. 1 for the “Neighborhood Storm Sewer Improvements – Phase 3” contract in the amount of $50,000.

Bid Section

Item:Neighborhood Storm Sewer Improvements Phase 3
Bid Opening Date:6/26/2017
Account Numbers:426 5001 571 5025 SW1102-$223,655 SW1601-$400,000
Total Budget for Specific Item:$700,000
Bid Amount:$623,655