Item Coversheet

Item: Civic Event Sign Replacement
Department: Village Manager's Office

The existing electronic message civic events sign, located on the northwest corner of Northwest Highway and Arlington Heights Road, was installed in 2005.  Over the last few years, repairs and costs for the sign have been increasing, and new replacement parts were no longer available.  In addition, the LED display is outdated and beyond its useful life.  Due to ongoing display issues, the civic events sign was taken out of service in the middle of October.  It was determined that the electronic message portion of the sign needed to be replaced while the existing decorative stone wall and wrought iron fencing could remain.

Pricing quotes were obtained from three qualified sign companies to provide and install a replacement electronic sign. The new replacement sign will be the same size as the existing sign and it will include the latest in LED sign technology with a full-color, high-resolution display.  The messaging capability of the new sign will be significantly improved with greater flexibility for displaying more lines of text along with full color images.  The brightness of the new LED sign will be automatically dimmed based on the surrounding ambient light levels.

Pricing quotes received were as follows:

Q.T. Signs


Olympic Signs





The lowest price quote was received from Q.T. Signs.  Q.T. Signs constructed and installed the Village’s existing electronic sign in 2005, and they have successfully completed numerous other Village signage projects over the years. While this was not a budgeted item, funds are available in the Capital Project Fund contingency to cover this cost.


It is recommended that the Village Board accept the electronic sign replacement proposal dated December 11, 2017 from Q.T. Signs in the amount of $24,461, using available contingency funds in the Capital Project Fund.

Bid Section

Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:
Total Budget for Specific Item:
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