Item Coversheet

Item: Asphalt Cold Patch 2018
Department: Public Works

The Public Works Department contracts out the supply and delivery of cold patch.  Cold patch, otherwise known as cold mix asphalt, is a readily available, easy to apply roadway patching product that is used for repair of potholes and utility excavations, when outside temperatures do not permit Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA).


Public Works is requesting approval to join the Cold Patch Contract through the Municipal Purchasing Initiative (MPI).  MPI is a cooperative of nearby municipalities jointly bidding materials and services in an effort to reduce pricing through economies of scale.


Arrow Road Construction is the current low bidder in the Cold Patch Contract through MPI.  The contract is for $135/ton delivered, and the vendor is willing to extend the contract to the Village without a price increase for 2018.  Staff recommends approval of the MPI contract price.  The Village has worked successfully with Arrow Road Construction in the past and the bids meets specifications.




It is recommended that the Village Board award a one-year contract for Asphalt Cold Patch to Arrow Road Construction, of Mount Prospect, Illinois,  for a delivered unit price of $135/ton, up to the budgeted amount, and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.

Bid Section

Item:Asphalt Cold Patch 2018
Bid Opening Date:Municipal Purchasing Initiative (MPI) Contract
Account Numbers:101-7101-531.31-90 (Public Works) and 505-7201-561.31-90 (Utility)
Total Budget for Specific Item:$24,000 (Public Works) and $15,000 (Utility)
Bid Amount:$135/ton delivered